Haven Head

Baby Please Don't Go Live Holland
The Best Blues Live in Holland. Jim plays harmonica and Gruver Shawnee ST110 guitar ( simultaneously) sings and plays the hot blues lead guitar. WAIT; HOT LEAD. Mike Ehnert & Sandy Arjuna plays backs up the tune with his amazing Gruver guitars

Johnny Took The Wrong Road Home
Song about a true story of a fellow who was confused and didn't know where he was. This is a Colorado Mountain town story.

Heart Be True 05
Awsome tune about being in touch with the truth. Sandy's composition about life. She plays the Gruver Chippewa rythm as will as singing so beautifully. Mike is the rythm and lead on the beginning with his beautiful guitar licks. Jim's melody lead.

Human Emotional Mental Garbage
Belief systems lack the truth. Beliefs come from HEMG. The Truth comes from objective awareness of yourself and knowing your Creator as found in the Bible.

I Own My Love For You 6
Cool Blues Style. Sandy wrote this tune, and we have been working on it for some time, Mike Ehnert on lead guitar, and Jim Arjuna on Harmonica.

Flying Down the Mountain2
Just makes you feel good. Good acoustic guitar with slide and harmonica added to this version.

35 Miles Down The Road
Going down the road, going home, and thinking about sweet love. This is a hot use of the rock blues slide on the Strat.

Mountain Stream
Acoustic tune played on the Gruver Guitars Raritan model. Sweet sound of acoustic guitar inspired by the Colorado Mountains.

Messin around with some blues licks on the Gruver Creede Guitar. Large body, Jumbo, full range acoustic.

Cheaters Always Losers
Been Working on this tune for some time. Acoustic only one guitar ten fingers and a metal slide. Cheaters and Liars are always losers. Liars never really win, because they lose their soul.

Old Blues Again
You just pulled up at the gas station out in the desert and it is hot as can be.

Only Wants To Dance
Song about the times and women who give in to guys who "only want to dance" and not have serious relatioinships. Expectations and fantasy causes women to "hope" for more when the fellow has no more to give.

Rollin' With Life
When you are feeling good, like I do, you roll with life and enjoy. Two Gruver Brand Raritan Guitars guitar tracks.

Seems like the guitar is an extension of my mind, after 50 years of playing. This is just a jam I have been playing with for years.

Find the Waters of Your Soul
Just listen to this really cool guitar riffs with several changes. Draws you in.

Love Is A Terribly Good Thing
Taking the Dual Lead Guitars to the edge. Hard Rock Metal Blues sound.

Smilin At The Wind
I composed this about 20 years ago. Acoustic. Some people tell me I play like John Fahey. This is the first time I have played this in about 10 years, a bit rusty. I'll do it again and smooth it out.